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There is a widespread belief that Digital Nomads are people who travel to other countries to meet different cultures and travel the world. Although that is partially true, it is not the whole story. You don’t have to go to a foreign country in order to call yourself a Digital Nomad. That’s right, you can stay in the good old US, and still be a part of the Nomad community.


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We have already written an article on the advantages of traveling light, but while that column was focusing more on the reasons why that would be your best choice, this time, we will try to give you clear instructions on how to actually do it. There is more than one option for traveling light, but perhaps the best one would be by using a carry-on only. It is the best compromise, offering the most space, while still keeping it comfortable, and it will save you some cash as well.

how to travel carry on only

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Before the arrival of the Internet, one of the biggest problems international companies faced was communication. Nowadays, it is completely free, and the only thing that can hold people back are the time zones. There are many programs designed for this exact purpose, but we believe that Slack should be your no. 1 choice.

How to slack for remote teams

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When deciding which travel program is the best one out there, you have to take many things into consideration. Are you more interested in receiving Airline bonuses, or would you much rather have hotel benefits? Either way, we got you covered, as we will point out to three best programs for each option.

Top US Travel Points Programs

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Flying is the best way to cover long distances in the shortest amount of time, but it does come with some drawbacks. You have probably all heard of the term jet lag, but do you know what consequences does it leave on one’s body? It it very common to develop disturbed sleeping patterns, and once that happens, you are bound to encounter problems with focus and concentration, as well as daytime fatigue. In most cases, frequent travelers develop stomach problems as well.

fight jet lag to have a better trip

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Some people like to travel in order to meet other cultures and that’s all perfectly fine, but we are not talking about that here. Instead, this article is intended for the ones that love to put on their dancing shoes, and live the life to the fullest. Still, we kept in mind that not all cities are ideal for Digital Nomads, so we selected 5 places you will definitely fall in love with, but that won’t break your budget. Let’s begin.

Hong Kong

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When it comes to  seats on the plane there are two types of people. The ones that love to be near the exit rows, and those that enjoy sitting near a window. Exit rows offer a bit more leg room, while window seats often encounter less turbulence, especially over the wings. It is important to know that U.S. laws don’t allow children to sit in the exit rows, so pay attention to that in case you’re traveling with your family.

tip to get the best seat on the airplane

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Becoming a Digital Nomad is all about following what your heart tells you to do, and leaping into the unknown. Well, at least that is what most people seem to think, but we cannot say that it’s absolutely true. Even though you need to have an adventurous spirit, you will also need to think some things through, and one of the most important issues are your banking options.

Banking and Credit Options for Digital Nomads

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