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Japan is one of the oldest countries in the world, proud of its amazing heritage. Known for their longstanding tradition, this incredible country has quite a few monuments tourists around the world should admire. However, this is not the time...
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Several companies have been putting the stranglehold on the airline industry for years now, but it appears that the situation is about to change drastically. Ryanair was steady at the top for the longest time, but as it happens, even...
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To many travelers worldwide, AirBnB has always been the most reliable source of finding affordable rentals. However, Japanese authorities recently announced news that can change the game for good. Among other things, the Minpaku Law, declares that hosts will only be able to rent their properties for 180 days per year. Due to this law, many AirBnB hosts are now moving on from the industry, as they are forced to leave a large chuck of their previous earnings on the table.
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Why Budapest is the top rated spot according to NomadList All casual tourists dream about visit places such as Paris, London or New York, but there’s a ton of hidden gems out there that don’t get enough attention. Come to...
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Are you tired of working all year round, saving every dollar you can, only to spend it all on a 10-day vacation? If you’re anything like the other 99% of the U.S. population, you’re probably constantly on the hunt, looking for the best deal out there.
There’s a funny saying that frequent travelers and nomads don’t spend most of their time going from one location to another. Instead, they do it stuck in front of a computer monitor, searching for the cheapest possible flight option. Truth...
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While airplanes are the fastest mean of transport out there, there’s something romantic and unique about trains that place them in a different category altogether. Naturally, when we think of trains, we tend to drift towards those ancient coal-chugging steel...
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Packing is an art form and those who have it mastered are usually people who travel for a living. Standard Luggage previously enumerated the three types of globetrotters: digital nomads, travelers, or tourists. Whichever you identify with, it still comes...
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