Trends in Health & Wellness Tourism Happening Now
Wellness tourism is not a thing, right? Well, the numbers behind it certainly tell a different story. This multi-million dollar industry is still constantly growing, but as with every new hot niche, there are many trends that keep rising in popularity.
It can be sometimes difficult to stay on top of this game, especially if you’re already busy with other everyday chores, so we decided to round up the most important ones happening right now! Additionally, most of these trends are here to stay for the long term, and if you plan to earn some cash from tourism, you might wanna pay close attention to details. Check it out!
Hotels are welcoming this evolution
In one of our previous posts, we discussed in detail how the hotels will have to adapt if they plan on staying relevant, and branching out their services was one of the main points. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that wellness is already considered one of the main focal points.
The best hotels in the worlds have already welcomed the wellness industry years ago, but it seems that the trend is now moving along to those more affordable ones as well. You’d be hard pressed to find a hotel that doesn’t offer some type of free service to their customers these days, and this is a trend we fully appreciate.
Sauna experience is getting insane
You might be surprised to find out that saunas have been around for more than 2,000 years! In western Europe in particular, these things are immensely popular, and the locals cannot imagine life without ’em.
Well, it seems that the rest of the world is taking notice. While you might picture saunas as these tiny rooms where people go strictly for health purposes, it’s noticeable that designs are also improving over time. In all seriousness, these places look more like theatres nowadays compared to the dreary traditional saunas of the past. Expect more great solutions in the upcoming years.
The return to nature
Industrial design and minimalism have taken the leading role in architecture in recent times, but by the looks of things, that’s about to change. This trend is especially noticeable in China, a country known for its terrible pollution problems.
However, the architects there are moving away from plastic and metal to more nature-friendly solutions and natural materials. Additionally, they are also trying to provide as much natural lighting as possible, and incorporate plenty of vegetation in order to create a more soothing environment.
Get away from all the noise
Digital era has brought many advantages to humans. Among others, we can now effortlessly communicate over long distances, which then again opened up tons of possibilities for remote work, which is what digital nomads are all about.
When it comes to spas and other wellness retreats, it’s common behavior for visitors not to produce too much noise, if possible. However, it’s still quite normal to hear phones buzzing all the time, and groups of people clamoring over some small talk. The future will bring a significant change in this pattern of behavior. Modern spas are looking more and like monasteries, where people come to relax in peace and quiet. Let me tell you something, after living in a busy city center for years, this is a change I welcome wholeheartedly.
Feel good in order to look good
The beauty industry is incredibly powerful, and it kept pushing these trends upon us for years. While some of them were understandable, others were downright dangerous and unhealthy. This is not to say that people in the future won’t appreciate looking good, it’s just that the focus is about to change, and you’re witnessing it right now.
You cannot look good unless you feel the same on the inside, and plenty of empowering seminars have reached that same conclusion. Prevention rather than perfection. Do you think it’ll ever be possible?
Health and wellness tourism is trying to reach a younger audience
It might come as a shock, but so far the studies have shown that the average age of a person interested in health and wellness tourism is 64. Now, we have no way of knowing that those numbers are exact, but either way, it appears that many hotels are now actively trying to add content which would interest individuals from younger demographics. Ultimately, most businesses realized that it’s never good to base your product on just one selling point, and now, the plan is to expand by employing some radical ideas.
Adventure parks and zip lining
In comes the first idea of many. Adventure parks are great for raising the adrenaline levels and creating memories that people will treasure for life. Naturally, these things aren’t as simple to design as some think, as paying close attention to safety rules and regulations is the absolute priority. However, most high-end resorts are already in the process of acquiring the land necessary to create these parks, and some have already opened up their doors to visitors from around the planet.
Furthermore, those resorts located on gorgeous terrains are ideal for zip lines, offering visitors superb adventures, and a chance to face their fear of height in a 100% safe environment. Truth be told, people with cardiac issues are best to skip these adventures, but those who love the outdoors are bound to see the appeal, it’s a guarantee.
But what about kayaking or paddle boarding
Adrenaline parks aren’t the only way to get your blood pumping. For those who enjoy the water sports, there are a lot of alternatives out there, including kayaking and paddle boarding. While these activities are quite demanding on the body, the feeling that you get after trying it out for the first time is well worth it.
Kayaking is especially great at developing upper body strength and paddle boarding is one of the best types of exercise to develop fantastic balance.
Nutrition programs focused on organic foods
However, exercise is only a part of the equation. In order to be active, you first have to fuel your body with the best nutrition available. Plenty of resorts saw their chance to stand out in this particular field, bringing in experts from the culinary world in order to offer the best meals possible to their visitors.
Not only that, but there are more and more places that offer strictly organic based meals, designed to fit every person’s specific needs. If you want to feel and train like an athlete, you first have to eat like an athlete, and with these expert chefs by your side, you will be able to do just that.
Meditation and yoga studios are now a must have
In this hectic world of today, it has become more important than ever to have a peaceful place where you can wind down from everyday stress and relax your body and mind as much as possible. It should come as no surprise that meditation and yoga studios can now be found on practically every corner, as everyone from top range hotels to cozy hostels is now following the same tune.
Health and wellness tourism is great for developing markets
The principle of returning to nature is doing wonders for the countries not previously known for tourism. In the past, the most important thing was to have a 5-star hotel which offers the best food and accommodation. On the contrary, in current times, where people are spending less and less time in their rooms and exploring nature more, those things start to matter less. Those are great news for the less wealthy countries, giving them a chance to compete with the larger players on the market. Places with gorgeous natural sceneries and hiking trails are bound to become a fantastic choice for individuals who like to stay active during the holidays, as well as families who want to get in touch with nature.
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