Near term travel may be limited to travel bubbles. Here's what to expect!

While lockdowns, quarantines and even complete prevention of transport was at one time necessary to put a stop to the outbreak of coronavirus, it left many consequences on people around the globe. Most notably, trapped inside their homes, people began to feel scared, hopeless and unmotivated to do anything that would make their lives better.

Additionally, it was only a matter of time before the global recession would start kicking in, bringing with it all sorts of problems. The unemployment rates quickly skyrocketed, delivering more bad news to those who are already suffering. At times when you’re scared for your health, the last thing you need is to also stress about your financial future, and governments around the world had to act quickly, before the things got out of hand.

When it seemed as if there was no way out, the idea of travel bubbles was first born, and suddenly, travelers around the world would once again see the light at the end of the tunnel. Let’s find out what the travel bubbles represent, and why they might be here to stay for the time being.

Why travel bubbles might be the solution?

Due to huge financial losses that struck governments around the world, many countries and being forced to take up new debts, just to prevent their economies from collapsing. Finding a delicate balance between keeping everyone safe and restarting the industry is now considered a number one task.

But what exactly does this term represent? Well, travel bubbles are mutual agreements between two or more countries, which enable the travelers from these nations to cross the border, without having to go through quarantine, or having to show negative tests to coronavirus.

Many countries have already started implementing this idea, and that helped increase the flow of people and goods tremendously, thus finally bringing some profits to travel and other industries, which were affected the most.

Are travel bubbles here to stay?

Hopefully not. However, due to the unpredictable nature of this virus, it is difficult to truly say that a more efficient solution is on the horizon. Until the virus stops mutating, or the vaccine is found, travel bubbles might be our only option. While it might seem unfair to some, as people from one nation might be privileged compared to others, travel bubbles reduce the risk of global pandemic starting again, so it might just be fully justified.

If we had to bet on something, and that’s basically all we can do, as there is no proven information right now, we believe that the travel bubbles will only expand and include more and more countries over time, as our understanding of the virus expands. In that way, we will be able to keep ourselves, and our loved ones safe. Additionally, we as digital nomads will be able to return to things we love most, traveling the world and visiting remote destinations from our bucket list.

Those from outside the bubble still have to remain under quarantine

Unfortunately for people who are not in the travel bubbles, strict rules and regulation still apply to them. This means that it’s necessary for them to undergo quarantines or remain in isolation upon crossing the border. How exactly are these rules regulated?

For now, countries that are making these mutual deals are looking at several important factors. They usually look at the number of infected people in the nation, healthcare potential and general rules that apply to treatments of coronavirus.

The strength of the virus is also a major factor here. Compared to a few months ago, it seems that nations are now much better equipped to deal with all the troubles that come with coronavirus peak. Hopefully, sticking to the prescribed measures and implementing the travel bubbles will be enough to bridge the gap until we find a permanent solution.

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